Remember to Remember

Remember to Remember
By. Celia Waddell
Remember, Honor, and enjoy Your Creator while you’re still young. Ecclesiastes 12:1
God really does want you to enjoy your life. He doesn’t want you to be walking around sad or angry. He really wants you to have a great life. Many times, you’ll experience periods of time during which we kinda’ sorta’ forget about God. We don’t mean to forget, but when the days are full, and you got your life under control, and you’re getting along with your family and friends, and you’re seem to have everything “covered” at school, it’s really easy to leave Jesus out. You work and play all day and spend your evenings staying connected to people in your circle via your phone and social media. Life is manageable. Life for you is smooth. No major problems.
We all deserve a smooth, unconstructed life but you already know that there’ll be bumps in your road ahead…maybe even a hill or two. Strangely, these are the ouches of life that pinch you and remind you that Jesus is always in your shadows waiting for you to remember that He can deal with every reality that you’ll ever face. He’s been answering your prayers for a long time, so He’s really good at it… The answers to your prayers might not have always been exactly what you wanted them to be, but Jesus never just let you dangle without some sort of resolution.
Don’t try to figure it out. Don’t try to predict what angle God’s going to work from. Relax. When life turns upside down and you’re searching for peace in family situations… just remember. If relationships go sour, and you wonder if friends from yesterday are still going be around tomorrow…remember. If you’re fearful and depressed about crazy, bad things that are happening in your world…remember. When you feel that you just can’t cope another minute and you’re ready to throw in the towel, force yourself to remember what Jesus did for you in the past- an hour ago, yesterday, last year… Your past life is a roadmap of answered prayers- sometimes He didn’t even wait for you to ask… He just came through for you. He stood for you even before you called His Name! If you train yourself to remember how the Lord led you in the past, you’ll get a grip on all your situations, and your life will be stronger and better. There’s nobody like our God… nobody like our God…strong, mighty, all-powerful, but able to hear the long and short prayers of His children, even if you just whisper in the dark.
Prayer in Song: Nobody Like Our Lord (Myron Butler)